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Signs of a stroke occur quickly and require fast action to save your life. Every minute counts. The sooner you start receiving care, the better your chances of recovering.

What Is a Stroke?

A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. It happens when a blockage or bleed in your brain interrupts blood flow. A stroke prevents oxygen from getting to your brain, which causes brain cells to die.

A Leading Stroke Care Center

The stroke care team at Luminis Health provides priority-one care — the highest possible level — to identify stroke symptoms early. We have an Advanced Certification as a Primary Stroke Center. That means you'll get immediate treatment for the best chance of recovery.

You can trust us because:

  • We consistently achieve The Joint Commission certification and Gold Seal of Approval for surpassing stroke treatment goals. The Joint Commission is the health care accreditation agency that upholds safety and care.
  • Our Stroke Care Center is a recipient of the Gold Plus Target Elite Quality Achievement Award from the American Heart and Stroke Association (AHA/ASA).
  • Our stroke care doesn't end with life-saving treatment. We offer personalized rehabilitation programs to help you recover. And our peer support groups help you adjust to life after a stroke.

Stroke Diagnosis and Treatment

Strokes can affect cognitive function, speech and a wide range of physical abilities. Detecting and treating a stroke quickly improves your chances of recovery.


Stroke tests and screening

As soon as you arrive at the hospital, our stroke team examines you. We'll screen your symptoms and rule out other health conditions that can mimic a stroke. Stroke signs and symptoms include:

  • Dizziness or loss of balance.
  • Changes in vision.
  • Severe headache.
  • Facial drooping.
  • Weakness or numbness in the arm or leg.
  • Difficulty with speech.
  • Confusion or altered mental status.

We're experts at treating the many types of strokes, including:

  • Ischemic, where there's a clot in a blood vessel that carries blood to your brain. This type accounts for 87% of strokes.
  • Hemorrhagic, where a weak blood vessel that ruptures and bleeds into your brain.
  • Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs), also called “mini-strokes." These are often warning signs. They don't cause permanent damage.

If we suspect a stroke, we run advanced brain scan tests, like a CT scan or an MRI. We may also do a CT angiogram (a CT scan with an injection of a special dye), which lets us get a closer look at the blood vessels and tissues in your brain.

These tests tell us what kind of stroke it is, so we can administer the proper treatment.


Stroke treatments

Our stroke treatments are highly individualized, depending on your diagnosis and symptoms and may include:

Special medicine can break up a clot and prevent further symptoms. But you must receive it shortly after your symptoms start. That's why speed is vital — both on your part in calling 911, and our part in assessing and treating you.

Our stroke team performs state-of-the-art, minimally invasive surgery to stop bleeding, repair a weak or damaged blood vessel or remove a clot.

When you come to us for stroke care, you'll get a dedicated team of rehabilitation professionals. We work together to provide personalized care with:

  • Physical therapists to help you regain your strength, balance and physical function.
  • Occupational therapists to help you relearn daily skills and show you ways to live and thrive with changes in your abilities.
  • Speech-language therapists to help you regain communication, swallowing and memory skills.

Preventive Care: Reducing Your Risk of a Stroke

Anyone can have a stroke, but if you're proactive you can reduce your risk. We help you monitor your health and manage related conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. When these aren't controlled, they increase your risk of having a stroke.

Luminis Health stroke care specialists recommend:

  • A yearly exam with your primary care provider to check your blood pressure, cholesterol and any other risk factors.
  • Controlling your weight, blood pressure and blood sugar with diet, lifestyle and medicine, if needed.
  • Working with a health team that includes a dietitian, health coach and behavioral health specialist. We can help you eat better, exercise regularly, quit smoking, limit alcohol and manage stress.

Support and Resources for Stroke Care

A stroke is often a life-changing experience. But talking to fellow survivors can make a world of difference in your outlook and recovery. Luminis Health offers:

  • The Peer Mentorship Program, the Power of 2. This program matches recent stroke survivors with specially trained mentors who have had a stroke themselves. Through one-on-one time together, stroke survivors can ask questions, discuss challenges and concerns, and feel connected.
  • Our Stroke Support Groups. We have monthly stroke support group and stroke caregiver support meetings where you can ask questions, discuss challenges and receive encouragement from our stroke care professionals and stroke survivors.