Community Health Services

Our Community Health Services

From mobile clinics to free cancer screenings, Luminis Health brings health care to our communities.
Community Gardening

We partner with faith-based and community organizations to reach people who face barriers in accessing health care. We provide on-the-spot tests and counseling and connect people to the health supports they need.

We also offer free classes, community events and support groups to educate and empower people. We cover topics such as diabetes, quitting smoking, breastfeeding, mental health and more.

Health Screenings at Free Community Clinics

Take control of your health with our free community clinics offering essential screenings, including A1C testing, cholesterol and blood pressure screenings.

A Tailored Approach to Community Health

Our community health providers and educators come from the areas we serve. We respect and embrace diversity and tailor our health advice to fit your everyday challenges.

Our approach is not one-size-fits-all. We start by connecting with our local health partners to deeply understand the needs and strengths of our communities.

We talk to our frontline providers, patients and community leaders. Then, we design our services to meet the specific gaps and challenges they identify.

We bring education and easy-to-access services to neighborhoods, residences, schools and community groups. By doing this we help people avoid serious health problems.

We inspire people to live healthier lives and connect people to supportive caregivers. Community — it brings us all together.