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Delivering Your Baby


Delivering Your Baby at Luminis Health

When you deliver your baby at Luminis Health, you're in a private room surrounded by a supportive team. Your care team responds to your preferences and needs, whether that's low intervention or close monitoring. If you have a doula, we welcome them as a valuable member of your care team.

Of course, babies don't always follow birth plans. Our advanced OB-GYN specialists are always on hand. Should your child need a stay in our modern neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), we've got that covered, too.

We treat your family as guests, offering fold-out beds and comfortable baby snuggling areas. And while you're with us, we set you and your baby up for success — from early hearing assessments to advice on feeding, changing, and bathing your baby. (It's starting to feel real isn't it?)


Preregister for Your Birth Now

Your birth may be months away, but we recommend you get the paperwork out of the way now. By filling out information like your insurance, address, and emergency contact information now, you won't have to think about it when the exciting day comes. We'll just need to briefly check your insurance card and ID when you arrive.

You can preregister for your birth at any time during your pregnancy by completing this quick online form.

What to Expect

Getting excited yet? We're getting excited to meet your little one, too! Because your baby could come early, we suggest you get a hospital bag ready to go when you're eight months along. Remember you'll need your insurance cardidentification and birth plan (if you have one) with you when you arrive. You'll also want to have a newborn car seat properly installed in your car. (Find a nearby center where a technician helps you properly install your car seat for free!)

To get you started, your packing checklist should include:

  • Baby blankets.
  • Diapers.
  • Disposable underwear and/or pads.
  • Comfortable clothing and pajamas.
  • Postpartum-care items, like witch hazel pads and a peri bottle.
  • Slippers and flip-flops.
  • Baby clothes.
  • Wipes.
  • Cell phone and charger.
  • Nursing bra or top.
  • Personal care items (toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, lotions, hairbrush, etc.).
  • Towels.
  • Water bottle.
  • Your favorite snacks.

We screen all newborns for health conditions 24 hours after birth, with quick and simple tests. By catching these conditions early, doctors can provide treatments and therapies that support your baby's healthy development. While you're still at the hospital, tests your baby receives include:

  • A blood test. A nurse pricks your child's heel and collect a few drops of blood. The sample then goes to a lab, where it's tested for several treatable health conditions.
  • A hearing screening. A pediatric hearing technician places electrodes on your baby's head to measure their brainwave responses to sounds. This test is completely safe and takes less than 10 minutes.
  • A blood oxygen level test. We place a sensor on your baby's skin to measure oxygen levels in their blood. If the level is low, you and your child see a pediatric heart doctor for further tests and, if needed, treatment.
  • Jaundice testing. A probe held against your baby's skin can tell whether your child is at risk of jaundice. This is a common condition in newborns that causes yellowish skin and resolves with time and treatment.

During the pandemic, we test all patients for COVID-19 at entry. If you're negative, we allow one supporter at any one time, not counting your doula. But your support person can change. Your partner needs to go home and rest? Your mom or best friend can come in.


If you're positive for COVID we'll take extra precautions, but your comfort and emotional needs remain our number one priority. You can hold and feed your baby right away, as the benefits of bonding and breastfeeding outweigh concerns of COVID exposure. Especially given your child will have some of your powerful antibodies! We also still allow your doula and one support person.


Location Section

Our Location

Frank Family Birth Center
2001 Medical Pkwy, Annapolis, MD 21401
Thomas J. Frank Family Birth Center Reception Area in the Clatanoff Pavilion