We need each other. That’s one of the things this pandemic has taught us. And even though we are physically distant, there are ways we can lean on one another for hope, comfort and help.
Our high-risk and most vulnerable neighbors need us the most. Especially when it comes to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. As you create your plans to be vaccinated, here are some ways you can lend a hand to a neighbor in need.
Vaccine Registration
Ask if you can help with filling out a vaccine interest form or completing online registration. Community members without an e-mail address or computer can contact the Luminis Health COVID-19 vaccine call center at 443-481-6852 for assistance with registration. We can also answer frequently asked questions about an upcoming appointment. And translation services are also available.
Offer a ride or help arrange transportation for your neighbor to their vaccination appointment. If the clinic is located somewhere they have never been, offer support by mapping out the area and checking for parking options. Don’t forget to wear a mask!
Resources and Information
Questions around how to receive the vaccine can also come with questions about the vaccine itself. Be reassuring and print and share information from Luminis Health or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Luminis Health’s COVID-19 information web pages and blog articles provide resources about the virus and vaccine. Like this one on the “Five truths about the COVID-19 vaccine.”
A simple “Hi,” “Hola,” “How are you?” can make a big difference in someone’s day. When watching your distance, you can also leave a note on your neighbor’s door or mailbox letting them know who you are, where you live, how to reach you and how you can help.
By working together, looking out for one another and sharing hope, we can end this pandemic — together.
Download our printable neighbor notes.