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Healthy Minds Need…


by Luminis Health

November 30, 2018
General - Tier 3 Section
18-MENT-0067 – Healthy Minds Launch Blog-FINAL






These are just a few key qualities kids need in order to develop the mental strength required to become strong, responsible adults.

Mental strength isn’t about being strong-willed, defiant or tough. It’s about teaching kids how to cope with what life sends their way and giving them the courage and confidence to reach to their full potential.

As a parent, how do you instill these values while navigating the changing tides of society? You’re told to make kids brave, but cautious. Raise them to be confident, but humble. Give them freedom, but not too much. Keep them active, but let them rest.

In the coming months, we’ll explore the “how” with you. Our age-by-age conversation starters will help you foster open communication as your child grows. Our article “Is it puberty or something else?” will explore what’s within the normal range of emotions and behavior and help you determine when you should seek professional help. We’ll talk about creating a stimulus barrier for yourself and your children, how play is therapeutic and how to navigate the pressures of social media.

Raising mentally strong kids also takes self-reflection. When you get emergency instructions on an airplane, the flight attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask first before attempting to help anyone else. It’s a metaphor that extends to all aspects of life — you need to take care of yourself in order to best take care of others.

So as you read our upcoming articles, participate in online discussions and use our tools to help encourage better communication with your child, reflect on how you too handle difficult situations, show resiliency and communicate.

Let’s build mental muscle together. We need to make caring for our minds, and the minds of the children looking up to us, a priority. Because ultimately, healthy minds need YOU.

Ask questions, find resources and learn more at askAAMC.org/HealthyMinds

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