by Luminis Health

We couldn’t do it without them! As we celebrate National Volunteer Week, we must acknowledge and thank our Luminis Health volunteers. With great enthusiasm, talent and compassion, our volunteers participate in workgroups and committees, visit with patients, answer phone calls, and so much more.
During the height of the pandemic, everything changed. For safety reasons, our volunteer efforts were suspended — but our volunteers weren’t forgotten. Members of our Patient Outreach Volunteer Program found an old-fashioned way to reach out and touch someone. They simply picked up the telephone and called patients, especially those battling COVID.
Because of limited visitation, COVID patients often felt isolated and alone. But getting a phone call from a stranger helped lift spirits. “I really liked getting the call,” one patient said. “It felt like someone cared about me and I really appreciate knowing there are people in the community who do kind things like this.”
Our volunteers are a beacon of light during these unprecedented times. “Anytime I can help someone, it makes me happy,” said volunteer Doris Schmitz. “Doing things for others does something to your soul, and for me, it fills me with gratitude. Helping others is incredibly rewarding and meaningful.”
Thank you to our volunteers. We honor you during National Volunteer Week.