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Smart Woman Connection: 3 Ways to Put Yourself First

by Luminis Health
December 9, 2015
General - Tier 3 Section

Anne Arundel Medical Center wants to help make staying healthy easy, which is why we started “The Smart Woman Connection,” a health resource focused only on women’s health. Need help keeping track of your medical history? Want to know how to perform a breast self-exam, lose weight or manage stress? Our free women’s health journal can help you stay on top of your health.

It’s easy for women to place everyone and everything ahead of themselves on the priority list. The demands of work life, home life and social life often collide.  Women often push their own health and wellbeing to the side while caring for everyone else. Here are three ways to put yourself first:

  1. Focus on YOU. Women often feel guilty when they try to find more “me” time in their schedule. “I shouldn’t go to the gym because I need to spend time with my kids,” or “I can’t see a friend after work because I need to put dinner on the table.” Focusing on yourself isn’t something you should feel guilty about. “Me time” gives you the chance to relax, recharge and come back to responsibilities with a fresh focus.
  2. Learn to say no. You and your family get lots of requests for your time and soon you find yourself trying to do everything. Don’t default to YES. Ask yourself, “Is this something I really want to do?” or “Will this bring me satisfaction and happiness?” If the answer is no, stop and think about how to respond. It’s okay to say no, and it’s also okay to offer an alternative that is a better fit with everything else on your plate.
  3. Make your health a priority. Don’t neglect your yearly health checks and visits to your doctor. You can’t help others if you aren’t healthy yourself. Whether it’s a doctor you need, a personal health question you have or health screening guidelines you want, the Smart Woman Connection can help.

    For more information about the Smart Woman Connection, call 443-481-5995.


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