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IBM Watson Brings Siri-Like Technology to Medicine


by Luminis Health

August 12, 2016
General - Tier 3 Section

AAMC is among a select group of organizations to join with IBM’s supercomputer “Watson” to bring cognitive imaging or “brain mapping” into healthcare. You may remember Watson won against its human opponents in a game of Jeopardy in 2011.

While the vast amount of medical data gathered is often too great for humans to analyze and interpret, Watson can process 40 million documents in 15 seconds.

AAMC will work with IBM Watson Health experts to train Watson on various health conditions, improving its ability to help physicians deliver care in the future.

“Our early adoption of Watson’s cutting-edge technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we deliver care to our patients by creating greater efficiencies and providing deeper insight to our physicians,” says David Todd, MD, medical staff vice president and medical director of Anne Arundel Diagnostic Imaging.

Get more information on IBM Watson Health.
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