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Healthcare Career Dreams Become Reality for Center of Applied Technology South Student


by Luminis Health

July 20, 2023
General - Tier 3 Section
Facets Only.indd

Luminis Health partners with the Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) system, providing healthcare learning opportunities and career counseling to students as they train for their future careers. Both the Center of Applied Technology (CAT) North in Severn and CAT South in Edgewater are part of AACPS and prepare students for career pathways by offering experiential learning, post-secondary credits and industry certifications. In addition to providing CAT students with opportunities to practice clinical skills, Luminis Health hires them as interns and both temporary and permanent team members. Bennett Chateauneuf shares how he has benefited from this partnership.

Bennett Chateauneuf is a senior who recently graduated from Broadneck High School in Annapolis. He worked a summer job at Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center (LHAAMC) in 2022 in Food and Nutrition where his role included delivering meals to patients throughout the hospital, returning used dinnerware to the kitchen and washing and sanitizing dishes.

“My job in Food and Nutrition helped me come out of my shell a little bit,” Bennett says. “I became more comfortable with introducing myself to patients and making sure they knew who I was.”

His summer position with LHAAMC’s Food and Nutrition team helped him ease his way into the next step he had mapped out for his future: a degree as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). In this role, he would have the opportunity to provide basic bedside patient care—such as checking vitals — and other patient-centered tasks under the supervision of licensed nursing staff.

Bennett applied and was accepted into CAT South’s Academy of Health Profession, a 2-year program offered to 11th and 12th grade students. This program empowers students to become multi-skilled health care providers.

“I have always loved talking to people, helping them and being in an environment where I’m communicating with a team,” Bennett says.

Luminis Health’s partnership with CAT South means that Bennett and his classmates were able to complete 20 hours of hands-on clinical training at LHAAMC. Having worked in Food and Nutrition the previous summer, Bennett felt right at home—his classmates relied on his familiarity with the facility to help them navigate.

“I knew my way around the entire hospital and my peers were able to rely on me for directions,” he recalls. “I knew where everything was.”

After graduation, Bennett knew that he wanted to apply the skills he had learned as a student at CAT South to a job as a CNA at LHAAMC:

“The people who work at LHAAMC are super nice,” he says. “It’s a great community and it’s the largest hospital in the Annapolis area, so they’ve got cool high-tech equipment that you just don’t see at other facilities. There’s nothing else like Luminis Health in Maryland.”

Bennett’s dedication and focus paid off when he was hired as a CNA at LHAAMC. He officially started his role at the hospital this month. For Bennett, this is just the beginning of a well-considered career plan: his ultimate goal is medical school, where he would like to earn a degree in anesthesiology. CAT South and Luminis Health’s collaboration has played an important role in helping him achieve his dream of helping others through a healthcare career.

AACPS students can get involved in this program by speaking with their instructors about the CAT Academy of Health. Beyond this partnership, Luminis Health has a variety of job shadow, student volunteer and internship opportunities for any student who may be interested in the healthcare field.

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