by Luminis Health

Every three years, AAMC partners with local organizations to “take the pulse” of our community’s health through what’s called a community health needs assessment. Just like checking your own pulse and other vital signs, this process allows us to see how well our systems are working and make adjustments as needed. We collected as much data as possible from a variety of sources. We determined our community’s highest-priority health needs and developed an action plan to address them.
Chronic Disease
People with chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes often experience preventable complications.
Steps we’re taking:
- Provide navigational and care coordination services to help patients and caregivers cope with illness and stay in the community.
- Train staff in primary care practices to identify and reach out proactively to patients at risk.
- Improve care coordination with nursing homes.
- Enhance our local population’s care through clinical initiatives sponsored by the AAMC Collaborative Care Network of physician practices.
Mental Health and Substance Use
In Anne Arundel County, there is a rapidly growing need for mental health and substance use services.
Steps we’re taking:
- Establish a 16-bed mental health hospital for adults.
- Add more child psychiatrists and clinicians.
- Expand integration and co-location of mental health and primary care services.
Infant Mortality
Leading risk factors for infant mortality are low birth weight and a late start to prenatal care.
Steps we’re taking:
- Find ways to collaborate with the community to improve access to early prenatal care.
- Develop education programs for low-income and/or minority women to access early prenatal care.
Palliative Care
Seniors are hospitalized four times more than other groups. Many struggle with medication management and social issues like lack of transportation and adequate nutrition.
Steps we’re taking:
- Enhance our palliative care program. Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious illness.
- Expand access to The Conversation Project tool to help people express their end-of-life wishes.
Access to Care
Extreme poverty and health inequalities exist in some areas. Many community members have difficulties accessing the available services.
Steps we’re taking:
- Bring together community partners to create a geographic resources plan.