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Coming home for care


by Luminis Health

June 24, 2021
General - Tier 3 Section
Donald Cosden

Each cancer journey is unique. At Luminis Health, we want to shine a light on these journeys from the perspective of our own patients. That’s why we’ve started this new series – bringing hope and comfort to those who have been touched by cancer.

Donald Cosden’s story:

In July of 2020, I developed a stomach ailment that came on quickly and was excruciating. My primary care physician did a blood test and found that my bilirubin and other markers were off the chart. He told me to get to the Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center (LHAAMC) emergency department as soon as possible. Scans showed a mass on the head of my pancreas that was closing off my bile duct. A specialist did a biopsy that determined it was pancreatic cancer.

I set up treatment at LHAAMC right away. But there was an interesting detour: a good friend who was connected to Johns Hopkins Hospital suggested I go there for a second opinion. They did more scans and developed an initial plan of attack. It was clear that I was in for lengthy chemo treatments. But the doctor encouraged me to make plans to be treated at LHAAMC because I would receive the same excellent treatment and wouldn’t have to drive to Baltimore. So I came back to LHAAMC and started treatment right here at home.

The first regimen didn’t work out, so I was switched to another, which had a better effect. My blood markers dropped way down to the range of a healthy person. Then came radiation. Everyone at the treatment and infusion center at LHAAMC were great. I can’t thank them enough for making my experience more tolerable.

My wife has been incredible at taking care of me, and we get along amazingly well. I also have a great network of close friends, since I’ve lived in this area my whole life. I don’t think I could have been in better place. I felt like that all along—fortunate to live in the area and receive the high-quality care from the team at LHAAMC.

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